Kata - kata Motivasi Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan

kata kata motivasi kim jeffrey kurniawan buat persib bandung dan bobotoh
Pemain Persib Bandung Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan mendapat julukan si "euweuh kacape" from zero to hero. Kim yang awalnya dicaci maki bobotoh karena permainannya, kini ia menjadi pemain yang tangguh. Kim menjawab kritikan bobotoh dengan kerja keras dan bermain lebih baik. Orang lain mungkin tidak akan tahan kerasnya kritikan dan caci maki bobotoh persib tapi kim tidak, Kim bermental baja.

Kim adalah contoh pemain yang bermental baja di kubu persib saat ini, Persib menang itu memang wajib tapi bobotoh tetap bisa menghargai yang berjuang mati-matian dan bermain dengan hati. Kim selalu berusaha berikan penampilan yang terbaiknya.

Kita bisa banyak belajar dari Kim Kurniawan yang telah teruji mentalnya. Kim sering mengeluarkan kata-kata motivasi  untuk dirinya juga buat Persib dan bobotoh.

Berikut ini beberapa kata motivasi kim jeffrey kurniawan melalui media sosial facebook, twitter dan juga instagram :

"A Winner Never Stops Trying"!

When my body gets tired, my mind: This is where Winners are made. When my mind gets tired, my heart: This is where Champions are made!"

"If you believe enough in the process success will come to you. You just have to be willing to see it through the End!"
Kata - kata Motivasi Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan buat bobotoh dan persib bandung

"Keep your head up. Keep fighting. There is always light at the end of the tunnel , and your struggles only make you better in the end!"

"Wake up with Determination, go to bed with Satisfaction!"

"Note to Yourself: You gotta do this for you. This is for you. Live for you. Honor you. Never lose sight of that. AND never give up!"

We gave everything but couldn't walk out as a winner. Heads up, continue working and focus on the next game!

"Believe in Yourself and You will be Unstoppable. Believe You can and you're halfway there!"

"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God!" 🙏🏻⚽️ #motivation
#believeinyourself #nevergiveup #godbless
Kata - kata Motivasi Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan buat bobotoh dan persib bandung

"If you can't outplay them, outwork them!"

"Stop focusing on what happened and start focusing on what's going to move you forward!" 🏻

Through good and bad times - kita satu team!! 🏻 Ayo boys, bangkit - kita bisa, harus bisa!!!

"You are stronger than you think - Rock it!"

"The Harder you Work for Something Greater you'll feel when you Achieve it because Dreams don't work unless you Do!"

"Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation!"

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles every day in training develop your strengths!"

Baca Juga
"Think Big, Believe Big, Act Big, and the results will be BIG."

Flying high!  Obstacles are designed to make you stronger! Only the weak avoid them.
Kata - kata Motivasi Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan buat bobotoh dan persib bandung

thank you for making me complete. 
Your love & support in every situation is what i need every day!
I love you! 

Sory lur ternyata yang diatas kata - kata buat kabogohnya 😄😄

"Terus maju ke depan. Lakukan apapun untuk itu!"

"Work Hard. Live Healthy and think Healthy - Love Yourself!"

"Everything is Energy! Your thought begins it, Your emotions amplifies it & your action increases its momentum!"

"It's not always easy, there also hard times, but it's always worth fighting for to reach your targets!"
Kata - kata Motivasi Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan buat bobotoh dan persib bandung

"Alasan tak berguna - Hasil tak ternilai"

"There will be Obstacles, there will be Doubters, there will be Mistakes but with Hard Work there are No Limits!"

"Hope... Sometimes that's all you have when you have nothing else. If you have it, you have everything!"

Kim juga sempat menjawab tweet dari seorang bobotoh

serius..terharu lihat perjuangan kim yg dulu di caci tapi sekarang di cintai..

Perjuangan belum berakhir, akan terus mencoba untuk lebih baik lagi!
#nevergiveup #bobotohterbaik

Satu2nya tujuan hidup adalah membanggakan Papa!  Semoga suatu saat semua yang Papa telah berikan terbayar dengan rasa bangga padaku!
Kata - kata Motivasi Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan buat bobotoh dan persib bandung
Come Back Stronger!

Be Legit - Commit - Don't Quit - Stay Fit! ️ Kembali bekerja keras demi kemenangen berikutnya!

Thanks God for your endless Love!  "Jangan berhenti - latih lebih keras - maju terus!"

Setelah setiap kekalahan pasti akan ada masa depan yang cerah yang menunggu! Segera Bangkit Persibku!

 Kumpulan Aksi Keren Suporter Persib Bandung

idn 29.6.17
